Tax Management is a Planning which leads to filing of various returns on time, compliance of the applicable provisions of law and avoiding of levy of interest and penalties can be termed as efficient tax management. In short, it is an exercise by which defaults are avoided and legal compliance is secured. Through proper tax planning and management, the penalty of up to Rs. 100000 for delay in furnishing of tax audit reports u/s 44AB can be avoided.

Similarly by applying for Permanent Account Number (PAN), the penalty under the Act can be avoided. The borrower of loan otherwise than by way of an account payee cheque or bank draft attracts 100% penalty and this can be avoided by conscious planning of the execution of loan transactions.
Ø Planning is a perception conceived on legitimate grounds and achieved through genuine transactions within the framework of law e.g. contribution to Public Provident Fund and claiming rebate u/s 88 of the Act.
Ø The filing of the returns with all proper documentary evidence for the various claims, rebates, reliefs, deductions, income computations and tax liability calculations would also be termed as tax management.
Ø Tax management is also an important aspect of tax planning. Assessee is exposed to certain unpleasant consequences if obligations cast under the tax laws are not duly discharged. Such consequences take shape of levy of interest, penalty, prosecution, forfeiture of certain rights, etc.
Ø Therefore, any effort in tax planning is incomplete unless proper discharge of responsibilities is not made.
Tax management includes:
- Compiling and preserving data and supporting documents evidencing transactions, claims, etc.
- Making timely payment of taxes e.g. advance tax, self assessment tax, etc.
- TDS and TCS compliance
- Following procedural requirements e.g. payment of expenses or acceptance of loans or repayment thereof, over Rs 20,000 by account payee bank cheque or bank draft, etc.
- Compliance with the prescribed requirements like tax audit, certification of international transactions, etc.
- Timely filing of returns, statements, etc.
- Responding to notices received from the authorities.
- Preserving record for the prescribed number of years.
- Mentioning PAN, TAN, etc. at appropriate places.
- Responding to requests for balance confirmation from the other assessees.
Tax Implications in Planning
The main objectives in any exercise on tax planning are to :—
- Avail all concessions and relief ’s and rebates permissible under the Act.
- Arrange the affairs in a commercial way to minimize the incidence of tax.
- Claim maximum relief where taxes are paid in more than one country.
- Become tax compliant and avoid penalties, prosecutions and interest payments.
- Fruitful investment of savings.
- Timely compliance of procedural requirements like tax audit, TDS, TCS, etc.
- Appropriate record keeping
- Avoidance of litigation.
- Growth of economy and its stability.
- Pay taxes – not a penny more, not a penny less.
E-Commerce and Taxation:
Ø In the era of e-commerce, the determination of the place of source with reference to an item of income may quite often pose difficulty. The source-based taxation of business income depends on physical presence in the form of fixed place of business or a dependent agent in the source country.
Ø With e-commerce the need for physical presence virtually ceases. The change in mode of delivery from physical to online raises characterization issues and the lack of physical presence also creates problems in enforcement of tax laws.
Ø Therefore the long- term solution of the problems created by characterization lies in making direct taxation identical for all streams of income in a manner aimed at ensuring equitable sharing of revenues between residence country and source country.
Ø The following rulings by the Authority for Advanced Ruling may be worth remembering in this context:
- A company incorporated in Mauritius for sale and distribution of television channels enters into an agreement with an Indian company where under the latter would solicit orders from purchasers of airtime and pass on those orders to the former. The business profits earned by the Mauritian company through Indian company are profits deemed to accrue or arise in India u/s 9 of the Act. However by virtue of Article 7 of the DTAA between India and Mauritius, they are not liable to be taxed in India, if: a) The liability of the Mauritian company to pay tax in Mauritius was established and b) The Mauritian company and not the Indian company is shown to exercise generally the power to conclude the advertisement contract for sale of airtime – P No. 296 of 1996 T V M vs. CIT 237 ITR 230 (AAR).
- An American company is engaged in providing international credit cards, travelers cheques and travel related services. It has Central Processing Unit (CPU) in USA and Consolidated Data Network (CDN) in Hong Kong. Indian company is given access to the CPU through CDN for the reporting and processing of information on travel by customers in India. Charges for the use of CPU and CDN of American company paid by Indian company is royalty for the case of ‘design or model, plan secret formula and process’ and therefore taxable in India under Article 12(3)(a) of DTAA between India and USA – p. no. 30 of 1999 238 ITR 296 (AAR).
- Where there is a PE for a non resident income attributable to such PE is chargeable to tax in the country in which such PE exist – p. no.28 of 1999 242 ITR 208 (AAR). A foreign company having a fixed office will be constructed to have a PE-p. no.13 of 1995 228 ITR 487 (AAR).
Strategic Management Decisions – Tax Implications
Ø In business, the decisions are taken with a view of optimize returns to the stakeholders. A dominant aspect to be considered taking in view the tax consequences of the same on the bottom-line so as to share minimum profits with Government without violating any tax or any other laws in force.
Ø It is significant that tax consequences alone need not bind the management to take a decision and it is only a factor which influences the management decisions.
Ø Moreover, in case of taxes, there are both direct as well as indirect taxes and in efforts for planning implications of both category of taxes are required to be considered.
Ø Management decisions, which have a bearing on the bottom line are analyzed below from the point of view of income-tax implications.
(a) Make or Buy
(b) Own or Lease
(c) Retain or Replace
(d) Repair/Scrap or Return
(e) Export or Domestic Sale
(f) Shut Down or Continue
(g) Expand or Contract
(h) Demerger
(i) New Capital Investments
(j) Accounting Standards for Taxes on Income
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